Newsletter May 2024
Dear friends of Houses of Hope Ministries International, The past few months have been busy with several special events.
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We are called by God to "defend the cause of the Fatherless" (Isaiah 1:17), and our purpose is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources and support they need to care for these at risk children.
What started out as a dream of overflowing orchards in 1991 has blossomed into a ministry that has touched the lives of thousands of orphans, volunteers, staff, and supporters. Today we are focused on fulfilling our original mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Together with our staff we steadfastly devoted to our calling to build God's kingdom through this platform of orphan care.
We are called by God to "defend the cause of the Fatherless" (Isaiah 1:17), and our purpose. is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources and support they need to care for these at risk children.
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Dear friends of Houses of Hope Ministries International, The past few months have been busy with several special events.
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Beste vrienden van Houses of Hope Ministries International, Afgelopen maanden zijn drukke maanden geweest met verschillende bijzondere gebeurtenissen. In
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Beste vrienden van Houses of Hope Ministries International, Hierbij de nieuwsbrief met het verslag van voorjaars missie Ghana 2023.Op
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Dear friends of Houses of Hope Ministries International, Please read this newsletter with the report of spring mission Ghana
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Dear friends of Houses of Hope Ministries International, We have almost reached the end of the year 2022. A
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